Tuesday, July 8, 2008

X Factor: “Sex”

This factor for most people is very crucial. Sex is a very intimate subject, so it is one that we have dealt with very delicately. The final factor number for sex is based on personal experience, preference, and open-mindedness. It is important in the beginning of any relationship to be very open and honest about sex. If there is anything that you don't feel comfortable with or have any religious beliefs regarding sex it is crucial that you tell your partner. Sex is one of the more crucial areas that if not talked about openly and honestly can severely damage a relationship.
Sex has become a very casual topic in today's culture, and as such, has lost its depth and significance. It is important that sex is handled with extreme reverence and care, as it is the most intimate gift that two people can experience together.

 2007 cupidsXfactors.com

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Ice-Breaker Events Pictures

Come and check out our events pictures, more pictures will be uploaded by next week in to our new Ice-Breaker Events section of our pre-registration site.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

IX Factor: “Goals and Plans”

A solid plan will lead to the attainment of any goal, as long as you’re self-driven. In a relationship every goal and plan, both yours and your partner’s, will be fulfilled as you work together as a team towards reaching that goal. These achievements will benefit in both of your lives and further mature your relationship.

You can have your own personal goals and plans and at the same time set mutual goals and plans. In the end you will want and need the other’s support for your goals to be reached. This partnership is called a "real" relationship. This is when both partners are working as a team towards one common goal. This is the stem of any successful relationship because it involves the adoption of your partner’s needs and making them your own. This altruistic act is the basis of true love and compassion.

 2007 cupidsXfactors.com

Monday, March 10, 2008

A quick update:

This is a courtesy email being sent in order to keep you up to date with all the exciting things that have taken place with Cupids X Factors in the past few weeks.

Firstly, we have pushed back the BETA launch for the site until June 1st, 2008. This was primarily to comply with the new law (Internet Dating Safety Act) that has passed in the state of New Jersey and is to be passed in the state of Florida. Already, Cupids X Factors has been highlighted in Online Dating Insider, Great Dating Service, Smart Money, Small Biz and the Wall Street Journal for our industry changing innovations.

Our pre-registration campaign began on March 1st, 2008. Events for the pre-registration are being scheduled in Florida, California and New York. These events will create awareness for our site leading up to the BETA launch (June 2008.) In order to expand the growth of our community more rapidly, we have established an incentive program that works in conjunction with a special referral system where members will be able to win prizes as incentive for additional referrals and early registration.

In addition, we have expanded our intellectual properties by applying for two more patents! This now brings us to a total of three patents pending allowing us to further increase our company’s value and we have begun writing a self titled book based on our X (10) Factors that will provide scientific proof to the importance each factor has within a long term relationship. Most recently, we have been syndicated with an investment group based out of Miami, FL.

There are many big things in progress right now for Cupids X Factors. However, bigger things are yet to come... we’ll keep you posted as things occur!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Cupidsxfactors.com launches its Pre-Registration.

Cupids X Factors is a premier online matchmaking service based out of Miami, Florida. The pre-registration has begun and the special events and promotions are in full swing. Cupidsxfactors.com plans to revolutionize the online dating industry with its unique (patent pending) matchmaking process, which matches potentials based on 10 key factors in a person’s life. The site will contain many unique features, which includes personal journals, emails, chat rooms, video chat, a potentials garden and, a never before seen, stackable search engine.

Cupids X Factors has been spotlighted on Smart Money, Small Biz, and The Wall Street Journal for their groundbreaking approach to matchmaking. The Cupids X Factors team is working its hardest to bring this cutting edge formula to the market. Founder and C.E.O. Ralph Castillo has smashed through the barriers by breaking out of the uniformity commonly found on bigger sites, which based there matches solely on personality and/or personal preferences.

All new members will be receiving a Free 30 Day Trial upon registration to ensure that everyone is given a chance to fully explore this innovative website. Also, after the beta launch date of June 1, 2008, all pre-registered members will have the opportunity to win prizes, the first place price being a Sony® Vaio® laptop computer.

Cupids X Factors is setting it's sights on serious minded singles seeking long-term relationships. The company’s site appeals to a broad range of men and women who are searching for an affordable, romantic, and effective method of Internet matchmaking that provides quality results. Although the site will be launched nationwide, its target market will be in Florida, California, and New York. Special networking events are being planned in these three areas and time and dates for the events will be announced in the near future at www.cupidsxfactors.com.

 2008 Cupidsxfactors.com

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

VIII Factor: “Finance”

In this factor we have taken into consideration every possible range of income. The finance factor is part of 4 factors that brings us financial stability in our lives and relationships. Each of these factors: education, employment, finance, goals and plans, has a direct influence on the next. Improving in one area can lead to improvement in all (or most) of these factors.

The finance factor is the direct result and correlation of your Employment factor. Often times this is directly influenced by your Education factor (as a higher education will usually grant greater job opportunities.) This provides the opportunity for a higher income, which in turn will likely increase your Goals and Plans factor.

Finance is important in a relationship because it can create a solid foundation in which to build your new relationship. It is important to remember that money can never buy love; it merely lends a hand in creating a secure environment for your relationship to thrive.

 2007 cupidsXfactors.com

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Cupids X Factors latest articles.


Starting Up: The Business of Love


From smSmallBiz.com

Story Link


To get people interested in your product or service, says Hanssens from UCLA, "you have to get creative." For example, Ralph Castillo, the founder of Cupids X Factors, a dating site based in Miami that will operate in both English and Spanish when it officially launches on Valentine's Day, devised his own formula for finding love online. His matching tool, which is patent pending, will link users based on 10 factors ranging from age and health to personality and finances, rather than personal preferences, as is a common matching platform used by some bigger sites. "Just because I like spaghetti [and another person] doesn't, doesn't mean we don't match," he says.


Starting Up: The Business of Love


From smSmallBiz.com


To get people interested in your product or service, says Hanssens from UCLA, "you have to get creative." For example, Ralph Castillo, the founder of Cupids X Factors, a dating site based in Miami that will operate in both English and Spanish when it officially launches on Valentine's Day, devised his own formula for finding love online. His matching tool, which is patent pending, will link users based on 10 factors ranging from age and health to personality and finances, rather than personal preferences, as is a common matching platform used by some bigger sites. "Just because I like spaghetti [and another person] doesn't, doesn't mean we don't match," he says.

Starting Up: The Business of Love

Story Link


To get people interested in your product or service, says Hanssens from UCLA, "you have to get creative." For example, Ralph Castillo, the founder of Cupids X Factors, a dating site based in Miami that will operate in both English and Spanish when it officially launches on Valentine's Day, devised his own formula for finding love online. His matching tool, which is patent pending, will link users based on 10 factors ranging from age and health to personality and finances, rather than personal preferences, as is a common matching platform used by some bigger sites. "Just because I like spaghetti [and another person] doesn't, doesn't mean we don't match," he says.

Online Dating Insider

Online Dating Industry News & Commentary

iDate Conference Review

By David Evans.

Story Link.

Items of Interest:

Good to see Patrick and Dora at Personality Pro. Ralph Castillo of Cupids X Factors was all over the place as well, he created a personality assessment tool which sounds pretty slick. Tai Lopez at Elite Introductions was around. Tai is doing great work taking the concept of the online introduction to the next level.

Upcoming articles:

  • Hispanic Business magazine.
  • Level Magazine. (Miami)

Monday, February 11, 2008

VII Factor: “Employment”

This factor is not based upon how much money you make or your employment status. It focuses on how much time you have available within your career to spend with your partner, family or yourself.

Having the extra time to spend with your partner is considered one of the most important factors necessary to build and maintain a successful long-term relationship. Spending quality time with your partner or your new family (if any children are involved) is a key element for any new relationship to become successful. Time spent with your partner will grant you improved communication, compatibility, friendship and many other factors that will create a bigger and stronger foundation in your relationship.

While a great career is important if not balanced properly it can hinder your relationship's success. It is important to remember that a career can be rewarding but if your relationship is neglected as a result you may need to re-evaluate how important your relationship is to you. Success in business comes with great rewards, but time spent with your mate can be equally rewarding. Your achievements will become magnified when they are shared with the one you love.

 2007 cupidsXfactors.com

Thursday, February 7, 2008

VI Factor: “Education”

Education is a very important factor as it is the framework for factors such as employment, finance, goals and plans. A higher education helps our chances in obtaining better employment and higher economic status Education makes many of our goals and plans more attainable. In this factor it is never too late to improve. There is no greater accomplishment than one that provides a better and more secure future.

There are many ways to obtain a degree in higher education. It is not necessary that both partners have the exact same credentials when it comes to education. Only that their goals and plans to succeed, both in life, and in their relationship are shared.

 2007 cupidsXfactors.com

Monday, February 4, 2008

V Factor: “Status”

The status factor includes major life issues such as marital status, children, and other major lifetime accomplishments. Some people look for a partner that has children who live with them on a regular basis. For others, the thought of dealing with someone else's children is a huge detriment. It doesn't matter where you stand on this issue. Everyone deserves a second chance. Often times a person can grow and mature through negative events that happen in their lives.

It’s very important to have an open-minded policy when entering into a new relationship, as it will provide you with the opportunity to see things from a different perspective. Take the time get to know a person before writing the relationship off as a failure. It may only take one or two more conversations for you to realize this!

 2007 cupidsXfactors.com

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

IV Factor: “Personality”

Our personalities are our “life index”; we can trace most of our traits by the way in which we were raised. People can usually determine how our values and principles were formed and what experiences in our lives lead us to where we are now. Personality is the one factor that defines a person best.

Within a relationship it is important to understand that we all have different personalities. Having a partner with a similar personality to yours doesn’t guarantee that your relationship will be successful. When different people come together and blend their individual personalities they create a new personality or “couple personality”. Ideally both partners contribute something unique to the relationship creating a dynamic that only those two individuals have.

Most of us enter a new relationship with an attitude of "not wanting to change or modify our way of being for another person," however, we expect the other person to do just that for us. This is when compromise should take center stage and play a big role in maintaining a healthy relationship. It is the fertilizer for the tree of love. If we use compromise as a tool of equality for each side it won’t take long before we start seeing great results. Great communication and excellent understanding are key elements to use this tool effectively.

Partners must be willing to see various situations and differences from an objective point of view. Overall "personality" is a factor of opposites. Everyone has both positive and negative qualities the trick is to create a balance together where there’s never too much good or too much bad but always just the right combination like in any good recipe.

 2007 cupidsXfactors.com

Monday, January 28, 2008

III Factor: “Appearance”

Personal appearance is a factor that plays a big role in our lives, not only socially but also in any relationship as well; since our appearance is our personal billboard it provides others with the first (and sometimes only) impression about who we are. This reaction usually takes less within 10 seconds of meeting someone.

Personal appearance can be easily translated to “looking good.” Our perception of beauty is influenced directly by our own cultures and values. As such, it becomes nearly impossible to “gauge” beauty because every person has a different opinion of what beauty is. We rate appearance only through attributes that can be adequately measured such as: personal hygiene and grooming, wardrobe, youthfulness and self-image.

 2007 cupidsXfactors.com

Friday, January 25, 2008

II Factor: “Health”

Health is a key factor in any long lasting relationship. Our health deteriorates as we age, that’s why it is important to maintain good healthy habits throughout our lives. However, it is important to note that there are many conditions that can develop regardless of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. All of these health attributes will contribute to the overall health factor number.

The physical health part of the health factor affects us in only a few other factors but it has the potential of affecting our mental health, creating a chain linking one with the other. Having good physical health gives you more time and energy to invest in a new relationship and depending on how much time and energy you invest in a new relationship determines whether it will be successful or not.

Mental health has the capacity to severely damage your relationship. It can especially affect the beginning of a new relationship. There are many mental conditions that can range from genetics inherited by parents, or circumstances that result in a change in the chemistry of the brain at a young age.

 2007 cupidsXfactors.com

Thursday, January 24, 2008

I Factor: “Age”

Age is a factor that is often overlooked during the beginning stages of a relationship. However, age is a major factor within any relationship. As we mature our interests, perceptions and views evolve. Our tastes in life change as a result of experience or physical inability. This is a fact of life; we all get there sooner or later.

In long-term relationships the most successful age difference is when the gap is between 1 to 5 years. The closer the couple is in age the more things they have in common. Conversely when the gap is larger, between 5 - 10 years the success depends on how well the couple is able to communicate with one another. The maturity level of the mates also plays a significant role.

The situation becomes complicated when the difference exceeds 10 years. Some people neglect to take into consideration the basic natural and gradual deterioration that comes with age. Health risks increase as one gets older, priorities change, and activity levels decrease. These elements inevitably contribute to the widening of the age gap.

Life has a way of changing our perspectives as we mature both physically and mentally. World events alone make us revaluate our decisions and lifestyles. When a couple is closer in age and the gap is smaller it is more likely for those two individuals to have similar views. Our opinions change as we progress through life and we must keep that in mind when choosing a mate to share our lives with.

 2007 cupidsXfactors.com

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Cupids X Factors "Main Concept"

A relationship is defined as a deep connection or intimate involvement between two people. There are many important facets that must be embraced in order to achieve an overall successful and long-lasting relationship. These areas or "factors" are absolutely crucial to any successful relationship. The key is creating balance between two people. This will in turn create a solid environment for the relationship to grow and mature.

The inevitable goal for most of us is to find a partner, someone who we can trust and cherish forever. When we find that special someone many of us become overwhelmed by our emotions. We instantly envision the outcome of our lives together and for many this fantasy is enough to "tie-the-knot." All to often, people get married for the wrong reasons, and the outcome is usually never what they hoped for. Love is something that grows and that people must build upon. Just as a tree or a flower must be fed and watered so must the love in a relationship. It too must be nurtured and cared for. If we don’t maintain it with the right ingredients it can start to wither at any moment.

Is there any validity to the phrase “Love at first sight?”

What we see and feel the first time we see “that special someone” is really just a feeling of intense desire, an unexplainable immediate attraction and interest toward that person. The only way to find out if it is truly love, is to get to know one another, and slowly build up the relationship one step at a time. There are many pieces that need to be in place in order for a long-term relationship to progress successfully. Some areas are less crucial than others but there are a few areas that are paramount in improving the chances of “forever.”

I created the X (10) Factors because I want people to become successful in the realm of love and relationships. There is no "formula" for getting two people to fall in love with each other. The people in the relationship create this formula together. If a couple uses the X Factors they will have all the tools needed to grow and nurture their relationship. No one is perfect, no matter how high your self-esteem is there is always room for improvement in any given area. The point is to be the best partner you can be. In the end it’s what every day life is all about, improving your self for a better way of life.

I have applied the concept of the X (10) Factors to my own relationship; I have also recommended the program to friends and family members. After seeing the positive results and receiving feedback from those that have taken my advice I decided to create this website. My goal is to help others find themselves, improve themselves and to find a special person that’s right for them. I created this theory to help prevent people from going through relationships with only hopes and dreams and instead give them tools to begin a relationship with a solid foundation.

 2007 cupidsXfactors.com