Tuesday, January 29, 2008

IV Factor: “Personality”

Our personalities are our “life index”; we can trace most of our traits by the way in which we were raised. People can usually determine how our values and principles were formed and what experiences in our lives lead us to where we are now. Personality is the one factor that defines a person best.

Within a relationship it is important to understand that we all have different personalities. Having a partner with a similar personality to yours doesn’t guarantee that your relationship will be successful. When different people come together and blend their individual personalities they create a new personality or “couple personality”. Ideally both partners contribute something unique to the relationship creating a dynamic that only those two individuals have.

Most of us enter a new relationship with an attitude of "not wanting to change or modify our way of being for another person," however, we expect the other person to do just that for us. This is when compromise should take center stage and play a big role in maintaining a healthy relationship. It is the fertilizer for the tree of love. If we use compromise as a tool of equality for each side it won’t take long before we start seeing great results. Great communication and excellent understanding are key elements to use this tool effectively.

Partners must be willing to see various situations and differences from an objective point of view. Overall "personality" is a factor of opposites. Everyone has both positive and negative qualities the trick is to create a balance together where there’s never too much good or too much bad but always just the right combination like in any good recipe.

 2007 cupidsXfactors.com

Monday, January 28, 2008

III Factor: “Appearance”

Personal appearance is a factor that plays a big role in our lives, not only socially but also in any relationship as well; since our appearance is our personal billboard it provides others with the first (and sometimes only) impression about who we are. This reaction usually takes less within 10 seconds of meeting someone.

Personal appearance can be easily translated to “looking good.” Our perception of beauty is influenced directly by our own cultures and values. As such, it becomes nearly impossible to “gauge” beauty because every person has a different opinion of what beauty is. We rate appearance only through attributes that can be adequately measured such as: personal hygiene and grooming, wardrobe, youthfulness and self-image.

 2007 cupidsXfactors.com

Friday, January 25, 2008

II Factor: “Health”

Health is a key factor in any long lasting relationship. Our health deteriorates as we age, that’s why it is important to maintain good healthy habits throughout our lives. However, it is important to note that there are many conditions that can develop regardless of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. All of these health attributes will contribute to the overall health factor number.

The physical health part of the health factor affects us in only a few other factors but it has the potential of affecting our mental health, creating a chain linking one with the other. Having good physical health gives you more time and energy to invest in a new relationship and depending on how much time and energy you invest in a new relationship determines whether it will be successful or not.

Mental health has the capacity to severely damage your relationship. It can especially affect the beginning of a new relationship. There are many mental conditions that can range from genetics inherited by parents, or circumstances that result in a change in the chemistry of the brain at a young age.

 2007 cupidsXfactors.com

Thursday, January 24, 2008

I Factor: “Age”

Age is a factor that is often overlooked during the beginning stages of a relationship. However, age is a major factor within any relationship. As we mature our interests, perceptions and views evolve. Our tastes in life change as a result of experience or physical inability. This is a fact of life; we all get there sooner or later.

In long-term relationships the most successful age difference is when the gap is between 1 to 5 years. The closer the couple is in age the more things they have in common. Conversely when the gap is larger, between 5 - 10 years the success depends on how well the couple is able to communicate with one another. The maturity level of the mates also plays a significant role.

The situation becomes complicated when the difference exceeds 10 years. Some people neglect to take into consideration the basic natural and gradual deterioration that comes with age. Health risks increase as one gets older, priorities change, and activity levels decrease. These elements inevitably contribute to the widening of the age gap.

Life has a way of changing our perspectives as we mature both physically and mentally. World events alone make us revaluate our decisions and lifestyles. When a couple is closer in age and the gap is smaller it is more likely for those two individuals to have similar views. Our opinions change as we progress through life and we must keep that in mind when choosing a mate to share our lives with.

 2007 cupidsXfactors.com

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Cupids X Factors "Main Concept"

A relationship is defined as a deep connection or intimate involvement between two people. There are many important facets that must be embraced in order to achieve an overall successful and long-lasting relationship. These areas or "factors" are absolutely crucial to any successful relationship. The key is creating balance between two people. This will in turn create a solid environment for the relationship to grow and mature.

The inevitable goal for most of us is to find a partner, someone who we can trust and cherish forever. When we find that special someone many of us become overwhelmed by our emotions. We instantly envision the outcome of our lives together and for many this fantasy is enough to "tie-the-knot." All to often, people get married for the wrong reasons, and the outcome is usually never what they hoped for. Love is something that grows and that people must build upon. Just as a tree or a flower must be fed and watered so must the love in a relationship. It too must be nurtured and cared for. If we don’t maintain it with the right ingredients it can start to wither at any moment.

Is there any validity to the phrase “Love at first sight?”

What we see and feel the first time we see “that special someone” is really just a feeling of intense desire, an unexplainable immediate attraction and interest toward that person. The only way to find out if it is truly love, is to get to know one another, and slowly build up the relationship one step at a time. There are many pieces that need to be in place in order for a long-term relationship to progress successfully. Some areas are less crucial than others but there are a few areas that are paramount in improving the chances of “forever.”

I created the X (10) Factors because I want people to become successful in the realm of love and relationships. There is no "formula" for getting two people to fall in love with each other. The people in the relationship create this formula together. If a couple uses the X Factors they will have all the tools needed to grow and nurture their relationship. No one is perfect, no matter how high your self-esteem is there is always room for improvement in any given area. The point is to be the best partner you can be. In the end it’s what every day life is all about, improving your self for a better way of life.

I have applied the concept of the X (10) Factors to my own relationship; I have also recommended the program to friends and family members. After seeing the positive results and receiving feedback from those that have taken my advice I decided to create this website. My goal is to help others find themselves, improve themselves and to find a special person that’s right for them. I created this theory to help prevent people from going through relationships with only hopes and dreams and instead give them tools to begin a relationship with a solid foundation.

 2007 cupidsXfactors.com