Thursday, January 24, 2008

I Factor: “Age”

Age is a factor that is often overlooked during the beginning stages of a relationship. However, age is a major factor within any relationship. As we mature our interests, perceptions and views evolve. Our tastes in life change as a result of experience or physical inability. This is a fact of life; we all get there sooner or later.

In long-term relationships the most successful age difference is when the gap is between 1 to 5 years. The closer the couple is in age the more things they have in common. Conversely when the gap is larger, between 5 - 10 years the success depends on how well the couple is able to communicate with one another. The maturity level of the mates also plays a significant role.

The situation becomes complicated when the difference exceeds 10 years. Some people neglect to take into consideration the basic natural and gradual deterioration that comes with age. Health risks increase as one gets older, priorities change, and activity levels decrease. These elements inevitably contribute to the widening of the age gap.

Life has a way of changing our perspectives as we mature both physically and mentally. World events alone make us revaluate our decisions and lifestyles. When a couple is closer in age and the gap is smaller it is more likely for those two individuals to have similar views. Our opinions change as we progress through life and we must keep that in mind when choosing a mate to share our lives with.

 2007

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree, I also think it depends on what stage the age is. If it’s in the range of 20s,30s,40s,50s,60s,70s, and wow anything more than that and your a trooper. It also depends on the current generation social circumstances. For example Men and Women now days are getting married at a later date. Either because they are seeking career goals or life experiences. That means that in that progression of time both parties will have experience life. Leading to a more mature, consiantious and calculated decision. In short at this time people in their early to mid 20s have a more difficult time of making a relationship work then any other age group, more so now then ever. Based on social and sociological circumstances. I just thought I share that. All subject to my opinion.

Jay-Z says it best in his song 30s the new 20. The hip hop
